Serving Adults With and Without Disabilities
Serving Adults With and Without Disabilities  

Fund Development

Project Hope, Inc., engages in Social Business based on the work of Noble Laureate Professor Muhammad Yumus.  Our business objective is NOT profit maximization.  Our operations are grounded in:

  1. Financial and economic sustainability
  2. Investors get back their investment amount only. No dividend is given beyond investment money.
  3. When investment amount is paid back, company profit stays with the company for expansion and improvement.
  4. Gender sensitive and environmentally consciousness.
  5. Workforce gets market wage with better working conditions.
  6. And we do it with joy.
We continue to engage in on-going fundraising via charitable contributions.  Every dime is spend on staffing and clients.  As a 501(c)3, your donation is tax-deductible.  Copies of our IRS 990's are available and open to the public.  Please email to secure a copy of them.


We accept cash donations:

1.  via PayPal: 

2.  via US Mail:  Project Hope, Inc.

                              P O Box 170494

                              Milwaukee, WI 53217


Verfication of contribution will be emailed to you for income tax filing purposes.  Please include your email address when making donations.  Should you have questions, please contact us at



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2001 © Project Hope, Inc.